A panel of educators, organizers, and parents will discuss how you can support multigenerational events and community opportunities in your humanist group. We'll also show you what children/family content American Humanist Association is developing. Sarah Miller…
How can local groups encourage their members to provide the time, talent, and treasure needed to strengthen our humanist communities? Emily Newman will discuss recommendations as well as hear your ideas. https://youtu.be/G0-5ueQ7f2M
How will your AHA group take action on the climate crisis? Our Humanist Environmental Response Effort for Climate is here to help and interested in hearing your ideas too. Caroline Peters, AHA's HERE for Climate intern,…
Hear how humanist professionals (celebrants, chaplains, invocators, lay leaders) and groups (AHA chapters and affiliates) can work together to support and grow humanism locally. Our panel was moderated by Donna Forsythe, celebrant and Vice President of The…
Many Humanist groups struggle to attract younger members. Why? There is nothing inherent in Humanist ideas which only appeals to older people, so we should be able to attract everybody! In this workshop James will…
Learn how to excite reporters, pitch stories, and shape the news as local humanists. Evan is a Humanist political consultant and public speaker. He is the founder and creative director at Spectrum Experience LLC, is…
Humanists know that we only have one life to live and must make it count, but we also want to support the movement long after we're gone. Learn how to increase and sustain support with…
The ACES Program helps address the 3 biggest challenges local groups face. Lack of volunteers, lack of money, and lack of diversity. By emphasizing the key components of the ACES Program, groups can provide for…
Learn how social media can help your group build relationships between members, attract new members, and connect with Humanists around the world. This webinar will detail how to create interesting content, engage with followers, develop…
Humanists are often kind-hearted and long suffering toward difficult people in their groups because they know what it's like to be an outcast and therefore don't want to cast out fellow humanists. Yet "toxic personalities"…