Online Studies

The AHA Center for Education works in cooperation with other organizations to provide online educational offerings encompassing the full spectrum of humanism. This is the internet’s first website offering studies in humanist thought. We aim to give individuals a clear understanding of humanism and to help them apply that understanding to better comprehend the work, develop personal potential, and contribute to a better society.

All courses require you to register and log in to access the full content. You can access and complete them anytime at your own pace. Our Basic Online Studies are offered free-of-charge and our Advanced Online Studies have a small one-time fee to help fund the maintenance and growth of our online curriculum. As a registered student, your email address will be added to our mailing list so you will be informed about new offerings and upcoming events (you can unsubscribe at any time).

To view and register for available courses, please see below catalog pages:

Basic Online Studies Course Catalog Page

Advance Online Studies Course Catalog Page

If already registered: