Equal representation and equal pay are both good metrics and good goals as it comes to gender equality. Yet these markers exemplify a very limited view of the issue that is too often solely focused upon. A broader view reframes gender equality beyond a board seat or a paycheck. A broader view redefines gender equality as a matter of ‘value’. And at the same time gives gender itself a more inclusive definition. This webinar thus presents a broadened definition of gender equality. In presenting this topic, David Rowell will apply his years of national and international experience in this arena to provide a unique insight into the issue of gender equality. lessons learned will be lessons presented. And In doing so, the session will take a deeper dive beyond surface problems and surface solutions. The sources of, the status of, hindrances to, and means to improve gender equality will all be addressed.
In his book, Value and Voice – Solutions to Organizational Balance, David defines gender balance as a matter of recognizing and acknowledging innate value, toward the goal of ‘contribution and influence parity’. In this, the value of the full of gender spectrum is contended. The book lays out an indisputable case for organizational ‘gender balance’ that makes clear the tremendous value of gender balance while pinpointing actions that can be taken to obtain ‘balance’. The book, based on David’s work with the U.S. Government, and U.N. Organizations, focuses on the issue of gender balance in the workplace and thus this session will likewise focus on the same. However, a broadened discussion of the issue will also take place during this session, expanding the problems and principles beyond organizational and institutional doors. The goal of ‘en-valuing’ applies to women everywhere, and those actions that ‘en-value’ women in the workplace can be readily applied wherever devaluing takes place.

Presenter David Rowell is the Education Director for Systemic Diversity Organization/The Systemic Diversity and Inclusion Group. He is a career instructor, consultant, and author. For many years David was an instructor for the U.S. federal government, where he taught diversity, leadership, team building, and women’s leadership. During his tenure with the U.S. Government David was also a diversity program leader, serving as the chair of a national diversity council, leading a national working group for gender equality, and serving as a Diversity Ambassador in the area of LGBTQ. David has also worked very closely with large international organizations in the promotion of gender mainstreaming and gender equality principles. In this work, he assisted in developing international gender policy and programs and conducted women’s leadership workshops at home and abroad. As the founder of Parity Consulting, David continues his work in these areas. David is a sought-after blogger on the topics of diversity, gender, LGBTQ+, team building, and leadership.