University of Southern California • University Religious Center • 835 W 34th Street • Room 205 • Los Angeles, CA 90089
10:00 am - 4:00 pm


  • Start: 2019-06-22
  • Cost: $85
  • Event Category Celebrant Training


  • AHA Center for Education and Humanist Society
  • Phone 800-837-3792
  • Email education@americanhumanist.org
  • Website https://www.thehumanistsociety.org/

Performing Ceremonies

The AHA Center for Education is offering on-site training for individuals interested in becoming Humanist Celebrants and current celebrants who wish to build skills and knowledge for their practice.

  • Learn how to prepare unique & inspiring humanist wedding ceremonies
  • Care for individuals nearing the end of life & support their families
  • Gain an understanding of how humanists celebrate life events & milestones
  • Understand how to give proper local meeting invocations

Participants will receive supporting materials to begin (or add to) their personal library of resources i.e. sample ceremonies, suggested readings, creative ideas.

NOTE: The AHA Center for Education trains celebrants and The Humanist Society endorses celebrants, enabling them to perform ceremonies.  This training will inform you how to get endorsed but will not endorse you.

Register Now

Program Cost: $85


Kathy Diedrich holds credentials as a Humanist Celebrant and a Certified Life Cycle Celebrant. She earned certificates from the Celebrant Foundation and Institute in Foundations of Celebrancy, Weddings, Funerals, and Ceremonies for Children and Families. Since 2010, she has performed over 250 ceremonies, writing each one to meet the needs and wishes of her clients. Kathy has offered weddings, memorials, naming ceremonies, and coming of age ceremonies. While the demand for secular services came as somewhat of a surprise, Kathy is happy to provide custom, meaningful ceremonies throughout southeastern Minnesota, and to often be the first face of Humanism for her clients. Before becoming a full-time celebrant, Kathy was a programmer and project manager at IBM for 28 years.