Exploring Lives that Exemplify Responsibility to Earth

Lesson 2

Split children into 5 groups and assign each group one of the following carbon footprint categories: water, waste, energy, transportation, and food.  Have children read the article(s) related to their topic and take notes on ways to reduce their carbon footprints.

Note: If only one or two children you can create 5 stations for each category

Have children work with their groups (or with the help of a parent) to complete one of the following projects:

Create a “Did You Know?”  PSA or Podcast detailing how you can decrease your carbon footprint in the following categories: water, waste, energy, transportation, and food.

Wite an article for the school newspaper detailing how you can decrease your carbon footprint in the following categories: water, waste, energy, transportation, and food.

Service Project Ideas:

  • Trash Free Lunches
  • Park Clean-up
  • Beach Clean-up
  • River Clean-up
  • Develop a School-wide No Idle Zone Initiative
  • Fundraise for Environmental Organizations
  • Volunteer to Remove Invasive Plants

Reflection Questions:

  1. How do you feel about your own personal carbon footprint?
  2. How might it be challenging to change your actions to reduce it?
  3. Why is it important for everyone to be aware of and consider reducing their carbon footprint?

Additional Resources:

Climate Kids

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

Climate Change

How Recycling Works

Zero Waste Family Makes No Household Garbage for 3 Years!

What Are Carbon Footprints

7 Eye-Opening Facts for Earth Day

13-Year-Old Called “Trash Girl” by Bullies Wins Award for her Word to Save the Planet

25 Easy Ways to Help Save the Planet