Building Humanist Community on Social Media

Learn how social media can help your group build relationships between members, attract new members, and connect with Humanists around the world. This webinar will detail how to create interesting content, engage with followers, develop…

How to Deal with Difficult People in Your Group

Humanists are often kind-hearted and long suffering toward difficult people in their groups because they know what it's like to be an outcast and therefore don't want to cast out fellow humanists. Yet "toxic personalities"…

How to Enjoy Raising Money for Humanism

Donations are critical to sustaining financially healthy humanist chapters and making an impact in local communities. Stop using "I hate asking for money" as an excuse and confidently get your chapter the support it needs.…

Secular Invocations

In 2014, the Supreme Court decided that invocations in the form of sectarian prayers at local legislative meetings are permitted so long as everyone can participate, “even an atheist.” The Central Florida Freethought Community (CFFC)…