Living Humanist Values: The Ten Commitments for Youth

The Ten Commitments represent our shared humanistic values and principles that promote a democratic world in which every individual’s worth and dignity is respected, nurtured, and supported, and where human freedom and ethical responsibility are natural aspirations for every one.

Course of study:

This self-paced, independent learning experience provides youth with tools and resources to become more familiar with the Ten Commitments. Use the activities to explore and learn about attitudes and practices you can engage to live the Ten Commitments out loud and proud in your daily life!

Learners will be able to:

  • Identify ways that the Ten Commitments are expressed in daily life
  • Use three attitudes and pathways of practice to notice interactions between the Ten Commitments and daily life
  • Take time to appreciate the ways the Ten Commitments are expressed in daily life
  • Create a project that highlights the Ten Commitments in daily life
  • Become more confident about living the Ten Commitments in daily life
  • Frame useful questions to support proactive centering of the Ten Commitments in daily life


We hope you enjoy this learning venture!

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About the Author

Tabia Lee, EdD, is a lifelong educator and lifetime member of the American Humanist Association. She has contributed to the design, implementation, and evaluation of numerous educational and professional development programs with an eye on classical social justice and authentic inclusion.  Dr. Lee has experience as a National Board Certified English, Civics, and Social Studies teacher in urban American public middle schools and she prepares K-12 and higher education faculty to work with diverse communities by focusing on better understanding ideology-in-practice and the pedagogical and curricular implications of race, gender, and other ideologies. She has been a guest on many popular TV shows and podcasts and her articles have been published in many venues.