Lino A. Graglia (born January 22, 1930), Italian American, is the Dalton Cross Professor of Law at the University of Texas specializing in antitrust litigation. He earned a BA from the City College of New York in 1952, and an LLB from Columbia University in 1954, before working in the the Eisenhower administration’s United States Department of Justice. He thereafter practiced law in Washington, D.C. and New York City before join the University of Texas’ law school in 1966.
Graglia is “one of the most conservative legal academics in the United States.” He is well known critic of affirmative action and racial quotes, and a critic of some aspects of judicial review, believing that the courts are an illegitimate avenue for securing social change. He accuses modern liberals of making an end-run around democracy by seeking political victories in front of judges instead of at the ballot box.