Weekly Course, Weekend Gatherings, or Summer Camp?
How much time for a course?
Subjects to cover
The idea of the course is not to duplicate the school curriculum, but offer something in addition. The course is also a place for the participants to reflect on life, the world, identity, freedom and responsibility. Humanists seldom have The One Right Answer.
- Humanism -a lifestance
- Human Rights
- Ethics and Moral Dilemmas
- Critical Thinking
- The Meaning(s) of Life
- Identity
Other as needed or wanted:
- Prejudice and Racism
- Love and Sexuality
- Environment
- More on Religion and Belief
- The World Around Us
- Democracy, Courage and Involvement
- Law
- Peer Pressure and Revealing the Commercialism
- Gender Roles and the Media Body Image
The list may be revised based on the course leader and the interests of the youth group.